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ULC Fire Alarm and Sprinkler  Monitoring

MMCI Safety Systems provides fire alarm monitoring for new build fire alarm and sprinkler systems, can take over existing monitoring and/or bring the customer monitoring systems up to code to comply with CAN/ULC-S5561-20. Authorities are checking for certification and audits are being performed on customer sites more and more frequently.


Fire alarm monitoring connects your building with your local (or nearest) fire department and notifies said fire department if there is an alarm in your building. Fire alarm systems are not inherently connected to the fire department and most panels require an external communication unit to send the appropriate signals to the fire department. MMCI staff has the training and expertise to install and maintain this equipment.


What is CAN/ULC-S561

ULC-S561 is the standard for fire alarm monitoring used by all jurisdictions in Canada. The standard is reference in the National and each Provincial Building and Fire Codes. CAN/ULC-S561 governs how equipment is installed, how equipment is maintained, how equipment communicates to third-party monitoring stations and what signals are required.


In order to obtain a ULC certificate, all conditions of CAN/ULC-S561 must be satisfied.


MMCI is a certified installer of CAN/ULC-S561 monitoring solutions and issues a ULC certificate when a system is installed and meets all of the S561 criteria. The ULC certificate is physical proof that the facility meets the ULC standard for fire alarm monitoring. If your current provider cannot issue a ULC certificate, your system may be not be compliant according to the Alberta Building Code 2019 Edition.


How Fire Alarm Monitoring Systems Work

Fire alarm systems are designed to detect fires in your building and evacuate the people at the premises. Sprinkler systems are designed to disperse water over a fire when a sprinkler head is heated up a sufficient amount. Once a trouble or alarm condition is triggered, this is where the fire alarm monitoring takes over.


Types of signals that trigger the fire alarm and sprinkler monitoring systems


Fire Alarm: when a pull station is pulled or when a fire is detected via a smoke detector, heat detector or water flow detection on a sprinkler system, this triggers your fire alarm to sound an alarm to evacuate the building. This also triggers an alert to a third-party monitoring station, within 30 seconds of the alarm activating, who then notifies the fire department of an alarm


Fire Trouble: when there is an issue with the fire alarm (dirty smoke detector, device removed, ground fault, etc.), this signal notified the third-party monitoring station that there is an issue with the alarm system. The monitoring station contacts a list of


Supervisory: If your building has a sprinkler system in addition to a fire alarm system, supervisory contacts will be provided which indicated an issue with the sprinkler system – usually a low pressure problem a closed gate valve.


Communication Methods for Fire Alarm Monitoring

Telephone line

4G Cellular Signal

Internet (IP)


Active vs Passive Communication

Passive system tend to be the most commonly used setup. Passive systems send a notification when an alarm, trouble or supervisory occurs in the system. A test signal is sent at least once daily, from each communication path, to ensure that both paths are active. Two communication methods must be used for this type of communication.


Active systems are single-path communication and are supervised every 180 seconds. Since they are single-path, they do not require a second form of communication.


Our team of experts can help with the selection of communication type that suits your facility needs best.



Who Services ULC Fire Alarm Monitoring Equipment

MMCI's ULC-trained technicians perform the installation, maintenance and annual inspections of fire alarm and sprinkler monitoring equipment.


CAN/ULC-S561 requires annual inspections be performed on the monitoring equipment. Monitor equipment connected only to sprinkler systems require bi-monthly inspections.


Building Code Requirements for Signals to Fire Department

ULC Fire Alarm monitoring is required by the 2019 Alberta Building Code (Section if one of the following criteria are met:


Signals to Fire Department

1) A single stage fire alarm system installed in a building of assembly occupancy that has an occupant load more than 300 shall be designed to notify the fire department, in conformance with Sentence (4), that an alarm signal has been initiated.

2) A fire alarm system that includes waterflow-indicating devices shall be designed to notify the fire department in conformance with Sentence (4) when an alarm is initiated.

3) A 2-stage fire alarm system shall be designed to notify the fire department, in conformance with Sentence (4), that an alert signal has been initiated.

4) Notification of the fire department, as required by Sentences (1), (2) and (3), shall be provided in conformance with CAN/ULC-S561, “Installation and Services for

Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems.”

5) Where a single stage fire alarm system is installed in a building that is not sprinklered throughout and Sentence (1) does not apply, a legible notice that is not easily removed shall be affixed to the wall near each manual station stating

a) that the fire department is to be notified in the event of a fire emergency, and

b) the emergency telephone number for the municipality or for the fire department.

6) Helicopter landing areas on roofs shall be provided with telephone extensions or means to notify the fire department.

7) The owner of a building for which Sentences (1) to (3) require signals to the fire department shall provide evidence of compliance to the authority having jurisdiction by means of a Fire Protective Signalling Certificate from a certified listing agency showing

a) the address of the building,

b) the listed fire alarm installation company, and

c) the listed fire alarm monitoring company.


If fire alarm monitoring is required by the above criteria, a ULC certified installer is required to install the dialer and a ULC certified monitoring station is required to monitor the system. Before engaging a company, please ask for the installer's ULC File Number to confirm that they are certified.

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